Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Greetings! My First post and What-is-to-Come Manifesto

I was watching television last night; perhaps the first night in a long time, and came across a television program called i-Caught about of all people Tom Green of MTV shock comic fame. Nice to see he is mellowed out after the divorce but he brought up a topic I have only heard spoken in hushed tones at Adult Internet Conferences -- Viral Marketing. Similar to Guerilla Marketing it takes old ideas; updates them to slam head first into the new millenium. It satisfies American's thrist for constant stimulation and instant gratification because unlike before you can get what you want, when you want, and whatever dosage you want.

Completely amazing.

This Blog is going to be my vain attempt to see if this Blog and Blogosphere can actually work. Here I talk about packaging, because let's face it EVERYTHING we buy comes in a package of some sort. Tell me something that doesn't and perhaps, just perhaps I may concede my point and that is that no matter what you do where you go you will always buy something new in some kind of packaging. It is so pervasive that we don't even notice it, yet we generate literally tons of it yearly. No small feat if you consider the amount of packaging it takes to completely encase a computer, flat screen, mushrooms at your green grocer or for that matter a DVD disc.

My speciality in packaging -- you guessed it DVD and CD packaging. Have been doing it for literally decades now. I have seen music artists come and go and to be quite frank I am disgusted with the music out there -- so formula. DVD same thing all glitter no substance which I can honestly say has contributed to the slow down in the entertainment industry. Only lately has the box offices offered some rather funny and well done movies -- soon bound for DVD and my reality.

So stick around as I ramble though the maze of alternative and not-so-alternative packaging. Heck I might even show you what I do for a living and explain how we professionals look at packaging.

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